My design journey as a product designer
A Quick story about my design career.

It’s all started when I was a kid, seriously.
After finishing my 10th, I joined computer class. After a few months I realized, a computer is much easier to learn. Troubleshooting computers for my friends and neighbors were my daily routine. I started teaching computer in hometown. In my free time, I started exploring all kinds of softwares just out of curiosity. And, started using Photoshop 7.0 (pirated version off-course). I learned a lot of things about Photoshop and other graphics softwares with the help of internet. I started to make stuff that people liked. I was a newbie in design, but local photo studios started offering design work. And design journey started as a photo editor. However, I used to do pencil sketch since childhood.
The year 2015, Finished my post graduation degree MCA and looking for a job. I am from a middle-class family, so have to accept any job offer to start my career.
On Dribbble
After struggling 2 months, Somehow I managed to get a job as a web designer in a startup. I was frustrated to do the same kind of limited work and worried about the future. There were not any creative freedom. So, I started designing something daily to full-fill my creative hunger. I created my Instagram account in 2016 and start posting something daily. Sooner, I became popular on Instagram design community and someone gave Dribbble invite. I took 100 days illustration challenge. During 100 days challenge, I got a lot of freelance design offer as well as full-time offers. Feedly was one of them. The CEO of Feedly contacted me on Dribbble for some illustration work. I designed some illustrations for Feedly. After then, I was offered to work for a lot of clients globally.

Full-time freelancing
After some freelancing work, I decided to quit boring 9–5 job and started my full-time freelance designer career. Since then, I worked with a lot of companies, like — Feedly, Zuse digital, Biocoiff, CEG, Fanoos, Creavids, Eversend, Sarjan, ShareQ, and many more.

Product designer at Zomato
The year 2018, I was happy with my freelancing job. One day, received an email to join team Zomato. That time, I was at hometown and working from home. I went up to Zomato HQ for an informal interview. After that, I got the designer position and moved up two weeks later to join the team. Really enjoyed working here at Zomato.

This is not all about me, extended version yet to come. 😀